Making our own paint – puff paint

Now, we used this recipe last year – parents asked for the recipe – a local teacher “borrowed ” it – and we are offering it again and getting an equally enthusiastic response from the children.

Mixing (“cooking”), squeezing and then using the microwave to change our creation before our eyes – and doing a rocket countdown as well! What a winner.

The recipe is so simple – equal quantities of self raising flour and coarse salt…mix it up…..

Add enough water  to make it drippy but not too runny (this is where experience helps – and learning from experience is such a powerful teacher!)

Then choose your colors – we mostly tried combining 2 colors – but we still managed to finish up with several greys….

Then we mix again and transfer the mixture to the squeezey bottle (mess alert – some children don’t mind this and othes do!)

After that it’s time to squeeze out the colors and experiment with different ways to use it – all sorts of wriggly, zigzag lines or lovely expanses of colors – the magic thing about this paint is that the different colors seem to stay separate, so you can create some interesting and beautiful effects with different textures as well.

The really thick creations don’t puff up evenly, but do dry slowly.

They certainly appeal to children on many levels – supporting their identities as capable and independent doers and creators.


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