Playing a story

who sank 001

One of our old favourites, the book “Who Sank the Boat” by Pamela Allen, is a great one to start off early in the year with – its rhythmic, repetitive, patterned language, the ridiculous illustrations and the power of knowing who did sink the boat, make it a winner.

This group is very tuned into stories and language and we had a great time with some stick puppets made using the photocopier and some textas (nothing fancy but just enlarged a bit, then laminated.).

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It was hard for the other children to not have a go in front of the whole group – we all want an audience! – but they coped…and will get a turn in the next week or so (and they don’t know it, but they are also learning vital life skills around self-regulation and resilience – dealing with disappointment, all part of sharing and taking turns).

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We had to remember which animal came next in the story while we joined in with telling the words…

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Afterwards some children were so keen to play the story that  they didn’t need an audience or an adult. This is when you know they’ve caught the book bug!

2 Thoughts.

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