Music outside

Our friend Mr V at the school and his students made us a music frame to hang on the fence at kinder and extend the opportunities for making music.


He recycled bits of steel, including the “J” pieces to hang the instruments from – they had to stick out a bit from the frame.


Changing the location or the position of something makes it new again, and newly interesting.


Thomas and Aiden and Porscha spent some time investigating this new “instrument” – they found out that the “J” pieces by themselves, and even just the frame, also made appealing sounds.


There’s lots of possibilities in our new music frame – thanks Mr V!

A visit from the Lollipop Lady

We had a busy day when we brought our bikes and scooters to kinder. We were promoting healthy exercise , (one of our Kids Go For Your Life messages), riding to school or kinder (with parental supervision just at present), science and art and language – and more – some community knowledge and road safety.


Judy, the lollipop lady , came to visit us, to tell us about her job of being a crossing supervisor.

We had thought of a couple of questions to ask her – and some of us already knew a bit about what she does because they sometimes use her crossing. But almost every child had at least seen Judy and her co-lollipop lady.

This was great, to have some first hand accounts of using or seeing the crossing – the children were able to make connections with their prior learning.

Then came the best bit – getting on the bikes!


We  practised waiting for Judy to help us to cross the road, as well as pretending to be a car and stopping until she let us go.


Everyone got a go, we shared our bikes and scooters, and all in the beautiful autumn sunshine.

bike day at kinder

Thanks Judy!

Bike and scooter day

Our last day of term was a bike and scooter day. Almost everyone was able to bring along one of these – and Mrs Bell rode hers too.


It was good to show the children that bikes are for everyone – and so are the rules about helmets.

There was lots of discussion about the bike itself and its different parts. The children noticed features that adults might miss – like the valves on the tyres.


After that some of the children wanted to draw the bike – or a part of it, if the whole bike was too tricky.


And if you have ever tried to draw a bike, you will know that it is tricky!

But you also learn a lot about what you are looking at – and about the person doing the looking and drawing, so it’s an interesting exercise.


Billy noticed the valves.


Makenzie noticed the spokes.


Maddie P. was grappling with the connection between the wheels and the handlebars.


Reba thought the pedals are important.


And Maddie M. noticed the lambswool seat on Mrs Bells’ bike (and put her on it as well, of course).

We had a lot more happening on this day, but we will leave  Judy, Lollipop Lady to another day.

making a vegie patch

Pat said she would come to kinder and help us set up our new garden bed. We raked the ground and then she dug it a bit to make it level.


After that we helped to hold the sides to make the box


and then came screwing the walls together.

It was a great


fine motor




as well as real work that makes a difference – we needed to plant those little strawberry plants.


We were all very happy with the results of our work.


Thanks Pat!

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