Lexi said, ” this is my favourite story” when we read it and played with it at the storytable this week. Why is Mrs WishyWashy so successful with kinder children? The book has clear, engaging ilustrations, it has animals, it uses sequencing which is then repeated ( giving the children a strong sense of recognition of what happens, and control in telling the story for themselves), it uses a familiar domestic situation but turns it on its head, they can usually recognise the lure of that mud puddle, and there is humour, always a winner. And it’s not a long story, but perfect in its dimensions.
After they had read and played it, they turned it into a puppet show, with some lovely collaboration, Arlee corrected Ally matter of factly when she got out of sequence in retelling it, and Will injected some appropriate extra speech for Mrs WishyWashy: “Oh dearie me, oh dearie, dearie me.”
Chanelle was the book shower and occasional narrator.