Printing Aboriginal symbols

It’s National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day on Wednesday of this week, so another good chance to focus onΒ  the culture and experiences of our First people.

Monday We aboriginal symbols 001

We have some wonderful little books that show some of the symbols that are used by Aboriginal people in their art and storytelling, so we offered the children a chance to use them in their art work. We laminated some reference sheets to use in case things got a bit messy!

reference sheet aboriginal symbols 002

We thought we might try to do some printing. We used the backs of baking pans and muffin tins, rolled paint thickly over them and then drew the symbols with cotton buds.


The children could really relate to the symbols like stars and campfire, and the animal signs of course.

Jonty print

Having a reference sheet was a big help.

studying the sheet

The prints came thick and fast – no time to display them aesthetically just as yet!

Monday Week 4 Term 3 prints 001

Monday Week 4 Term 3 prints 002

Some children chose lots of different symbols, others repeated one to make a pattern.

Monday Week 4 Term 3 prints 003

Everyone wanted to have a go!

2 Thoughts.

  1. Louise this is such a wonderful idea. I love that you have those symbols available for the children to look at. We really do need to improve our Aboriginal resources. Thanks for the reminder!
    Donna πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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