Music outside

Our friend Mr V at the school and his students made us a music frame to hang on the fence at kinder and extend the opportunities for making music.


He recycled bits of steel, including the “J” pieces to hang the instruments from – they had to stick out a bit from the frame.


Changing the location or the position of something makes it new again, and newly interesting.


Thomas and Aiden and Porscha spent some time investigating this new “instrument” – they found out that the “J” pieces by themselves, and even just the frame, also made appealing sounds.


There’s lots of possibilities in our new music frame – thanks Mr V!

2 Thoughts.

  1. And of course I got the idea from someone else – sorry I can’t remember who. A good part is that we just put the bucket of music out and if nobody wants to play, nobody sets it up – but usually someone has taken the time to pop some music out – instant indicator of interest (and it gets the manipulating, making, metal-minded children in, who just often happen to be the boys). 🙂

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